Michishige Kaito

Managing your Android phone over SSH with Rsync

I was really excited when I got my hands on the Galaxy Nexus. After carrying around a symbian phone for years, an internet enabled, high resolution touchscreen phone was pretty much a geek’s wet dream to me. So I went home, activated it, plugged the USB cable in, and…. nothing. Googling around taught me that there was some crap going on with mtplib that I wasn’t really going to resolve. Folks on the Interwebs suggested installing an ftp-server app, and transfer things that way. I did this for a while, and it worked just fine. But the Linux-lover inside me knew there had to be a better way. Manually managing files across nodes is so 1970!

So what do you do when you want to sync a folder from your computer with some other computer? If you answered anything but “rsync”, go do your homework. If there’s two things you’ll find on any unix system, that’s an ssh daemon, and rsync. Not even Bash is as ubiquitous! But, of course, I clashed with what Google thought would be “fine” for Android. It might be Linux at heart, but the surface sure doesn’t look anything like Linux. Two really important things missing are daemons and a proper shell.

Thankfully, there are a few SSHd apps on the market, some better than others. There is also at least one app that allows you to rsync from your phone, which is cool, but I’d rather handle things on my computer while the phone sits, dunno, in my pocket, or somewhere else. But no matter what you use, you should really see that it has support for key based authentication.

I use SSHDroid myself, which is a great app. It will automatically launch the ssh daemon when a wifi connection is found, and shut down when it’s gone. It does key based auth too. The only downside is that it won’t automatically rescan your file system. QuickSSHD does this, but I found it to be very, very laggy. YMMV.

Ideally, you’d be able to install an SSH daemon as system service, instead of an app you have to manually start and activate. But I don’t see that happening on non-rooted devices. Send your letter bombs to Google.


Unfortunately, none of the above apps ship with an rsync executable, and Android itself certainly could care less about such a thing, so you’ll have to get it yourself and install it on the phone, somewhere where your sshd can find and execute it.

This handy page describes the process to do just that.

Putting it all together

Once you have an ssh server running on your phone, it’s time to do great stuff with it. Below are some shell functions I wrote to help me manage things through a staging folder. You do things in this folder, like adding or removing files, and then push to your phone. When pulling files from the phone, a compressed and encrypted snapshot will be created of the staging tree (which will contain any new files you had on the phone).

You want to put these in your .zshrc or similar. I use ZSH myself, but this might just run fine in Bash. Let me know if it doesn’t.

# {{{ Android phone sync (PS) and backup
PS_BACKUP_DIR=~/Android/Backup # Where to keep backups
PS_BACKUP_KEEP=60 # Days to keep backups
PS_BACKUP_ENCRYPT_TO="0x00000000" # GPG key ID to sign and encrypt to
PS_IP="" # The IP your device will be found at
PS_SSH="Nexus" # The SSH host of your phone, or an SSH alias
PS_STAGING=~/Android/Sync # The staging folder for sync, sans trailing slash
PS_SDCARD=/sdcard # The sync root on the phone, sans trailing slash
PS_RSYNC_OPT="-vzuLr --no-perms" # Extra options to pass to rsync
# Do not leave out -L or --no-perms
# Android doesn't like symlinks or permission fiddling.
function ps_probe() {
ping -c 1 ${PS_IP} > /dev/null
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
return 0
echo "The phone could not be located on the network"
return 1
function ps_pull() {
ps_probe && rsync ${PS_RSYNC_OPT} --exclude /Music/ ${PS_SSH}:${PS_SDCARD}/ ${PS_STAGING} && ps_backup_create
function ps_push() {
ps_probe && rsync ${PS_RSYNC_OPT} --delete-after ${PS_STAGING}/ ${PS_SSH}:${PS_SDCARD}
function ps_backup_create() {
t=$(mktemp -d)
ts=$(mktemp -d)
cp -a ${PS_STAGING}/* $t
[[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "Failed to copy files to tmp folder." && return 1
fn="${ts}/$(date +%Y-%M-%d).tar.bz2"
tar -cjpsf $fn ${t}/*
[[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "Failed to create snapshot archive." && return 1
gpg2 -se -r $PS_BACKUP_ENCRYPT_TO $fn
mv -f "${fn}.gpg" $PS_BACKUP_DIR/
rm -rf $t
rm -rf $ts
function ps_backup_rotate() {
# TODO: Rotate
find $PS_BACKUP_DIR -mtime $PS_BACKUP_KEEP -delete
function ps_backup_restore() {
# TODO: Date parsing to restore specific backup.
# Create a new backup first, if no current backup is found
if [[ ! -f "${PS_BACKUP_DIR}/$(date +%Y-%M-%d).tar.bz2.gpg" ]]; then
echo "Creating a backup first..."
if [[ -f "$1" ]]; then
rm -rf ${PS_STAGING}/*
gpg2 -d $1 | tar xjf - -C $PS_STAGING --strip-components 2
# }}}
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If you’re a console cowboy like me, chances are you use something like MPD to listen to your jams. I bet you’d like your hand crafted, carefully curated playlists on your portable jam-player, right? Well, I do, so I came up with the script below.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Takes all my playlists from ~/.mpd/playlists, fixes them up, and creates a
# folder for each, along with the music they reference.
# The sync stage requires an sshd server to run on your phone, as well as the rsync executable.
# - http://linux.wxs.ro/2011/08/05/rsync-your-android/
MPD_MUSIC_ROOT="${HOME}/Music" # Root of your MPD library
MPD_PLAYLIST_ROOT="${HOME}/.mpd/playlists" # MPD playlist folder
SYNC_MUSIC_ROOT="${HOME}/Android/Sync/Music" # Staging folder (receives all files prior to sync)
PLAYLIST_ROOT="${SYNC_MUSIC_ROOT}/playlists" # Where to place playlist files (m3u) for sync
PHONE_MUSIC_ROOT="/sdcard/Music" # Where the music will live on your phone
PHONE_ADDRESS="Nexus" # Address to access your phone over ssh for sync
# Output stuff to stdout if $DEBUG evaluates to anything
# $ DEBUG=1 plsync.sh
function debug()
[[ ! -z "$DEBUG" ]] && echo $*
# Sync stuff with phone over rsync+ssh
function sync() {
rsync -vzrL --delete-after --no-perms --no-t ${SYNC_MUSIC_ROOT}/ ${PHONE_ADDRESS}:${PHONE_MUSIC_ROOT}/
# Ask for confirmation on something
function confirm()
echo -n "$@ [y/N] "
read answer
for response in y Y yes YES Yes Sure sure SURE OK ok Ok kk; do
[[ "_$answer" == "_$response" ]] && return 0
return 1
[[ ! -d "$PLAYLIST_ROOT" ]] && mkdir -p "$PLAYLIST_ROOT"
for pl in ~/.mpd/playlists/*.m3u; do
plname="$(basename ${pl})"
[[ -f "$plfile" ]] && rm -f "$plfile"
[[ -d "$plfolder" ]] && rm -rf "$plfolder"
[[ ! -d "$plfolder" ]] && mkdir -p "$plfolder" && touch "$plfile"
while read line; do
bn=$(basename "$f")
if [[ -f "$f" && ! -f "${plfolder}/${bn}" ]]; then
ln -s "$f" "$plfolder"
echo "${PHONE_MUSIC_ROOT}/${plname}/${bn}" >> "$plfile"
done < "$pl"
confirm "Would you like to sync with your phone? (Make sure sshd runs on the device)" && sync
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